April 15, 2009

Mid April Landscape Notes

  1. river birch trees began budding-out leaves by 20MAR
  2. expect to harvest over 4 dozen daffodils from the farm bed
  3. newly-leafed plants were able to survive a single night below freezing with minimal damage
  4. need more daffodils!
  5. have too many purple iris- need to trade for more varieties
  6. have only 3 strong forsythias...9 range from average to weak
  7. the 3 pink azaleas that remain in the front bed are in the back row, bloom earlier than the others, and look red in low light- should they stay or should they go?
  8. weeds in the front yard are coming on strong
  9. one crazy-tall iris in the front row of the front bed needs to be moved to the back
  10. thinking the lone limbed-up burning bush in the side yard can be limbed-up even further