December 15, 2009


CG has noticed several 'way too early' daffodils pushing-up. With some consistent cold weather and an extra layer of protective mulch, all should be well.
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Mid December Landscape Notes

  1. weather has been very mild with above average rainfall
  2. began pruning burning bushes
  3. will have a good amount of 'canna mulch' ready for the planting beds
  4. still need to transplant the crocus
  5. the semi-dormant dallis grass is easier to pull-up this time of year (beginning early Nov.) after a soaking rain
  6. azaleas that were moved to the farm bed are doing well
  7. did not do any fertilizing this Fall
  8. had at least 2 small bag worm infestations in the river birch trees
  9. nandina bushes are about 80% filled-in as a naturalized mass planting
  10. pondering whether or not to attempt the Calif. poppies from seeds again