February 17, 2009


Iris are CG's favorite plant. They're easy to grow, multiply fast, and they offer year-round interest with their sword-shaped foliage. CG has been fortunate to have a couple of different sources for many varieties of iris. Other iris are wal mart discounts, but once in bloom, they are sure to be priceless wonders.

This year, CG will start growing Louisiana iris (mail-ordered 2 plants). A special planting area has been readied for their arrival (in about a month). The area is appx. 5' x 4' and 8 inches deep. Louisiana iris thrive in boggy areas, so the bed was lined with a plastic tarp and 2 mil plastic sheeting. It was then filled with shaved clay (unscented kitty litter). Once the bareroot iris arrive, they will be soaked in water overnight, prior to being planted. About an inch of sand will be added to the top of the bed, along with a top dressing of pine straw. Two different varieties will be planted, with the idea that once they begin to multiply, another 'bog bed' in the front side yard will have been completed.

The bog bed in the cut flower bed path is not the nicest thing to look at right now, but it should show quite a transformation in the next few months. CG's trusty gardening assistant can be seen in the next photo to put the bog bed in a better perspective: