April 23, 2009

Alive with Iris Blooms

Daffodils are a nice warm-up for spring, but iris lead the full-on charge towards warmer weather. Each bloom seems to have a personality, from simple and cheerful- to bold and exclamatory.

CG is pleased with the effort of the iris in the front bed. They have good numbers and good health. There will be a lot of dividing of tubers going-on this fall. Not sure where the offspring will be planted, but there's lots of time to consider all possibilities. One thing for certain, CG will be giving/trading iris by the dozens in September.

the front bed is about 90% complete (still need to continue the daylily border)

-but the bed is at it's maximum capacity for iris (still in the early phase of blooming, it will be a few more weeks until the iris reach their peak)

-and isolated blooms beckon to viewed up-close to appreciate their intricate details