May 30, 2011

Cut-Flower Bed

The cut-flower bed's perennials are nearing maturity. 
The planting area has filled-in nicely and will require extensive thinning in the Fall. 
(plenty of iris to trade/give away)
A crepe myrtle (Acoma, semi-dwarf) was planted in the middle area of the bed a few weeks ago.
This will provide some fast-growing height and structure.

Elsewhere: an autumn fern has been established 
under the canopy of the burning bushes

and, under the most dense part,
(very shaded -had to utilize a flash)
-a sprig of irish moss (Sagina subulata 'Aurea') is being tested
...hopefully, it will find the conditions to its liking,
and thrive & multiply!
(a few more sprigs will be added next Spring if all goes well)