the past 4 weeks have been extremely dry
haven't been able to do anything other than try to keep plants watered
river birch trees are tolerating the hot/dry weather well
no signs of reblooming iris -yet
dallisgrass is very persistent in the front yard
tried sowing more Calif. poppies last week
will be planting aster perennials close to the river birch trees (in an attempt to control any future bagworm infestations)
forsythia bed is doing well (have back-up cuttings ready to replace the ones that transcend during the remainder of the summer)
daffodil patches have been marked; will have an idea of 'where, how many, & what type' to purchase locally and order on-line
CG will be looking forward to the day when he can go outside after lunch and tend to the planting areas for more than 30 minutes (and not worry about heat stroke)